Our Community

Where you learn can shape what, how, when, and why you learn.

Why Our Where Matters

The Mastery School’s location between University Circle and the Glenville neighborhood means that you’re a short ride from downtown Cleveland and a short walk to arts organizations, universities, and a few hundred non-profit organizations working to build a stronger and more just future for our neighbors, our city, and ourselves.

Instead of field trips, you’ll work side by side with artists, surgeons, entrepreneurs, and community activists while exploring our city’s cultural treasures and innovative businesses and organizations. You’ll have opportunities to be an apprentice to an expert or a partner to a professional as you use your talents, brain power, and creativity to help them find real solutions to real problems.

Your home base will be our campus, on the edge of Case Western Reserve University's campus and the University Circle Museum District. Our University Circle campus includes a science lab, makerspace, full-service kitchen and dining hall, and campus green.

But your high school experience isn’t limited to University Circle. When the school day ends at 2:30, the activities shuttle heads to our Gates Mills campus, where you’ll find athletics fields, a theater, acres of woods for our Outdoor Leadership program, and more. Essentially, you have the opportunity to experience the best of both worlds.

Sample Learning Experiences:

  • In the Ethics & Technology Macro, you might partner with the Cleveland Foundation to diagnose the causes of the digital divide in Cleveland neighborhoods, suggesting new solutions to improve internet access for those without it. You’d exercise creative problem-solving skills in addition to the design and prototyping skills more typically associated with engineering. 
  • In the Many Stories Intensive, you might work with the social entrepreneurs at Third Space Action Lab to inspire people who learn about racial inequity to take meaningful action dismantling racism. You would learn and apply systems thinking to entrenched social issues and study the science of motivation to encourage those who disagree with structural racism to take action within their respective spheres of influence in order to help build a more equitable and just world.
  • In the Happiness Intensive, you could partner with a nearby public K-8 school to study childhood positive psychology, focusing on what makes people happy. You’d interview students and faculty and use that data to try to improve their happiness — and you’d probably learn a bit about your own sources of contentment and purpose.
  • In the Environmental Justice Macro, you might partner with a pediatrician at University Hospitals to understand the effects of air pollution on adolescents. By developing solutions to bring awareness to the problem in Cleveland, you’d learn not only about sustainability practices, but you’d also discover how the environmental crisis has its roots in racism and socio-economic disparity.

We'd love to connect.


11025 Magnolia Dr,
Cleveland, OH 44106



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