Community Partners

To Be a Neighbor

We’re fortunate that our school sits in one of the most dynamic and historic settings in all of Cleveland: University Circle and Glenville. We enter this space with curiosity and a desire to listen to and learn from the cultural centers, the community builders, the entrepreneurs, the researchers, and the artists in our neighborhood.

Last year we partnered with:

MRN Ltd.
Harness Collective
VA Hospital
Cleveland Clinic
University Hospitals
Case Western Reserve University
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority
Mayor Weiss - City of Shaker Heights
Vagabond Comics
Euclid Media Group
REC Foundation – Bell AVR Challenge
CMSD Board of Education
Wilson Center
Lumina Foundation
University Circle Inc.
Bedrock Detroit
Green Movement Glenville
Engineers Without Borders / AECOM
Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge
Great Lakes Biomimicry
University of Akron
RePlay for Kids
United Cerebral Palsy

Why partnerships are vital to our success

In order for our real-world problem-solving model to succeed, our students need to collaborate with people and organizations beyond Magnolia Drive. It is in working with professionals and in real-life environments that our students experience the “a-ha!” moments that are critical to our learning terrain.

We’ve seen this come to life in recent semesters both in and out of the classroom. In the spring of 2021, Mastery School students Sam ’23, Ethan ’24, Jillian ’23, & Niko ’24 partnered with Justin Bibb’s mayoral campaign to increase voter turnout. The result is VoteCLE, a resource for important voting information in local elections. Their continued dedication and work has already shown an impact in our local politics.

We'd love to connect.


11025 Magnolia Dr,
Cleveland, OH 44106


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